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WTFImport | Create your own Learning and Work Task (LWT)


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Last updated


In this course you will gradually create your own Learning and Work Task (LWT) in the Task Manager. You will learn how to structure your LWT in the tool, fill it with content and make it available to learners.


A step-by-step guide through the Task Manager:

  • Create and structure your LWT → Create title, description & subtasks
  • Fill subtasks with content → Add media, upload links & notes
  • Activate LWT for learners → Define sharing settings & distribute LWT
  • Share & import LWT with other teachers → Share via code or file

📺 Accompanying screen videos guide you through each step in the Task Manager so that you can implement your LWT directly in this course.


On completion of this course, you will have a fully created LWT ready to use in the classroom.


No files and documents are available for this task.


No results are available for this task.


Concretise Your Own Learning and Work Task
Revise your scenario and the structure of your Learning and Work Task using a reflection and feedback method.
Programme for Education day
Get to Know the Dashboard
Get an initial overview of the Task Manager and its functions.
Reflection 01: First Steps in LWT Creation
Reflect on how your LWT idea has refined as a result of the previous feedback and what challenges have arisen in the first steps in the Task Manager.
Create a Task
Create your first own task in the Task Manager and determine a clear title and a meaningful description.
Overall Design of the LWT
Add a Cover Image to the Task
Choose a suitable cover image for your task to make it visually appealing and easily recognisable on the dashboard.
Insert Upload Link
Add an upload option for learners' results to your Learning and Work Task (LWT).
Reflection 02: Overall Design of the LWT
Reflect on how visual and functional design elements support your LWT and document your considerations.
Building Structure and Content through Subtasks
Create Subtasks
Create subtasks to structure the work process of your Learning and Work Task (LWT) and make the procedure comprehensible for learners.
Add Cover Images for Subtasks
Assign suitable cover images to individual subtasks to make them more distinguishable within the LWT.
Reflection 03: Building Structure and Content through Subtasks
Reflect on the structure of your subtasks and their connection to the phases of the LWT, and document your considerations.
Detailing and Enriching the Content
Insert Media into Individual Subtasks
Add specifically selected media to individual subtasks to provide learners with support materials.
Add Cross-Subtask Media to the LWT
Supplement your LWT with overarching media relevant to all subtasks.
Provide Solutions & Hints for Teachers
Add solutions or hints for teachers - either as overarching support for the entire LWT or specific to individual subtasks.
Reflection 04: Detailing and Enriching the Content
Reflect on the use of media and teacher instructions in your LWT and document your considerations.
Releasing, Sharing, and Importing LWTs
Release Your Task for Learners via Live Views
Enable access to your LWT so that it is visible and usable by learners. Additionally, you can set whether you allow other teachers to collaborate on your LWT.
Share or Export a Task
Share or export your LWT to make it available to other teachers - either within a Task Manager instance via code or independently as a file.
Import a Task
Import one or more LWTs that have been shared via a code within an instance or as a file independently of an instance.
Share or Export a Subtask
Share or export one or more subtasks with other teachers - either within a Task Manager instance via code or independently as a file.
Import a Subtask
Import one or more subtasks that have been shared via a code within an instance or as a file independently of an instance.
Reflection 05: Releasing, Sharing, and Importing LWTs
Reflect on the possibilities of sharing your LWT and test the exchange with another person.
Joint Final Reflection – Experiences and Best Practices
Exchange your experiences of creating an LWT in the Task Manager within a group and summarise your key insights, challenges and tips for future users.